
Inspired by The Story of Life to create a piece of artwork?

Help us illustrate the story by sending it in! Whether its a drawing or a painting, a doodle or a masterpiece, a physical work or a digital one, all contributions are welcome. Children and adults are both encouraged to participate.

We'll post the submissions here on the website, and our favorites will make it into a series of 6 illustrated children's books: Genesis, Landfall, Trimurti, Age of Dragons, Eden, and Gaia. The text from the original Story will be split up to form the series.

The illustrated series will be printed on Landscape oriented, 9'' by 7'' paper in full color. Make sure that your submission will fit or can be scaled to fit that size.

Let us know what page you were thinking of when you made your piece. We suggest leaving some space with less detail and thinking about how the words will fit into your page. Don't include the words themselves though, leave that to us.

Keep in mind that this is a children's series, so please imagine showing your piece to a toddler without scaring her.

You can send digital works or scans to andon dot zebal at gmail dot com, and physical works can be sent to

Andon Zebal
New Forest Books
536 Spring Trace
Williamsburg, VA 23185
Creative Commons License
The Story of Life Webpage by Andon Zebal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.